Well picture says a thousand words

Let that be true for this article as well as it would be more appropriate to list them out in the form of images

Well this article is going to be full of images so brace yourselves



The term slang according to Wikipedia or a simple Google search means

Put short it means the terms used by the millennials or the more modern teenagers to simplify their expressions and words that usually have a longer meaning...

Origin of slangs

well intially slangs was the term used to refer to the vocabulary of the lower for the disreputable people , which is quite surprising considering the fact that most of the teams who use it nowadays considered themselves cool among their peers

well their origin isn't exactly traced back to a certain days but it can be said that they grew in popularity as soon as the internet rose that is during the great boom of the internet during its initial stage where people I wanted to find shorter ways of communicating a longer message in the shortest amount of words possible hence the abbreviations which were not so universal grew and what what became of them is slang

well different slangs are formed by different communities or groups of people that usually use it for example a slang that is famous in Japan or China might not be entirely known to the people living in the United States and the vice versa that is the slang used in United States might not be known to the people of China or Japan what I mean to say is slangs are not universal although this is changing now a days as a common standard is been developed to group them all together

sometime slangs might have an entirely different meaning from what they literally mean for example the word lit refers to something on being fire where is in terms of this Lang people it means something which is awesome or excellent

typically they are quiet disregarded by the elderly and well their opinions are correct in their own terms one should not judge them

Well I would like to list some slangs

well since they are not invented by me, they are definitely taken from some sources ,but I have plucked them out or you can say curated not just copied and pasted them

General Slang

Most teen slang words are harmless more of sorts in a way. Teens are just using these words to sound cool or acceptable

  • Awks- Awkward

  • Cheddar- Money

  • Dope- Cool or awesome

  • GOAT- Greatest of all time

  • Gucci- Good or cool

  • Hundo P- 100 percent certain

  • Lit- Amazing

  • OMG- An abbreviation for "oh my gosh"or "oh my God!"

  • Rides- Sneakers or shoes

  • Salty- Bitter

  • Sic- Something that is cool

  • Skurt- Go away

  • Snatched- Looks good

  • Straight Fire- Hot or trendy

  • TBH- To be honest

  • Thirsty- Trying toget attention

  • V-very

  • YOLO- You only live once

What's my take on slangs

Personally I hate slangs

Well according to me slang are bullsheet...


Because they create or unnecessarily complexify the simple words and create a problem for a person who is unaware of them

since the person may not be aware of all the slangs used up-to-date it is rather difficult job keeping up with them

so overall there are of not much use and only useful when the person you are chatting to are speaking to is aware of them..., and according to me that there are better ways of communicating with the person rather than confusing him if you want to simply express your feelings in a simple way rather than abbreviating in a convulsing way

#Peace out....

