Joy or happiness is a feeling which comes from within ourselves and which keeps us fit and healthy. The more you give of yourself the more you find yourself. Giving is a way of showing appreciation and gratitude or to express your feeling's. Giving not only means to give a gift, offering a kind word or smile goes a long way in saying thank you for all you do and will encourage the chances of a healthy friendship or relationship.

Giving to the needy is other trait which is very kind. People who don't have worldly pleasures or people who are poor should be treated with sympathy and kindness. A good human being should always try to bring a smile on the frown faces.

This feeling of giving gives inner pleasure and makes us feel proud that we have done something for the good. To conclude, "it's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving".

Donation and charity whereas is a different thing. Joy of giving cannot be measured in terms of quantity. It can be a smile or a friendly handshake also. No matter in which way if we are making people happy in some or the other way we are involve in joy of giving. Make it a habit as it is the simplest way .

The smile, the glow the happiness all is very much evident and it is such a pleasure to see those faces. Studies have shown that most people when they are down or blue, and when they get involved in giving out something, it brightens up their mood and makes them happy. Basically, giving means ensuring that you are making someone happy by providing them what they wanted and thereby making them feel happy and cared.Giving away something that was of great benefit or of requirement to the receiver definitely brings in a feel of happiness and fulfillment. No matter whatever situation you may be in, when you pass out things that are of great help and happiness to others, you too feel the same.The joy of sharing and giving out things to others, who genuinely require it, could only be experienced and could not be put down in any kind of wonderful words. We should all try to experience that wonderful feel of sharing and caring and giving out things, so that the future generation to come would also find happiness and peace.



Profile of Ud
Ud  •  5y  •  Reply
Very well written..keep it up!!Please check out my articles too!! :)
Profile of Rakshita Upadhyay
Rakshita Upadhyay  •  5y  •  Reply
hey you wrote well.keep it up.please check my profile and like my wrytups