"For certain is death for the born and certain is birth for the dead; therefore, over the inevitable thou shouldst not grieve." This quote from the Bhagwat Gita (Hindu Holy Book) sums up the Hindu perspective on life after death. Hindus believe that the time they will spend on earth is decided from the moment they are born. One of the biggest arguments that have been made is if there is life after death and this has been argued between different religions and beliefs. Every religion has its own theory of whether there is life after death or not. Christians have a belief that after we die, we are sent to heaven or hell.
They believe that you go into a state of “soul sleep” which means that you sleep unknowingly until the final resurrection. At this time, your spirit will be unified with your physical body once again. They also believe that when you die, your soul and spirit are removed from your physical body and the moment we stop breathing, we come to know whether we are being sent to heaven or hell to live our eternal life.Buddhists believe in a cycle of death and rebirth called samsara.
Through karma and eventual enlightenment, they hope to escape samsara and achieve nirvana, an end to suffering. But how can we be actually sure about if there is life after death when no eye has seen it. There are also some scientific theories given on this. Pozhitkov was a post-doctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute in Germany. He pursued a project on life after death. He killed the animals by shocking them with a quick immersion in a cooler of ice water, then put them back in their regular 82-degree Fahrenheit tank. Over the course of the next four days, he periodically scooped a few fish out of the tank, froze them in liquid nitrogen, and then analysed their messenger RNA.
These are threadlike molecules that do the work of translating DNA into proteins; each strand of messenger RNA is a transcript of some section of DNA. The count of the messenger RNA indicated that about 1 percentage of genes actually increased in transcription after death. Something more is going on in the cells even after the organism dies. But even now the studies are still going on. So remember that there is only one time that is important which is now! As this is only this time that we have the power.