3 Reasons Why Comparison Is An Illusion?

Nirmit Shah
May 29, 2019   •  92 views

3 Reasons To Know About Why Comparison Is An Illusion?

Firstly, are you clear about the real meaning of comparison and inspiration?Let’s understand this taking an example.You are a musician and love to produce the new music, collaborating with xyz companies doing such beautiful work.In surfing instagram, suddenly you saw an advertisement introducing a new brand about music Production Company.Excitingly, you’ve checked out their profile, websites, music and etc etc.

Comparison V/S Inspiration.

Now, if you had checked them wisely, curiously, with the purpose of learning then it’s simple act of inspiration, my friend.Never ever get confuse between the terms comparison and inspiration.Is learning, a comparison?It is obviously not.

But, if you got jealous about them thinking that how well they are and how much money they are making and blah, then it’s simply a comparison (which is an illusion).If your purpose is to show-off your work and getting jealous then the situation will become comparable for you.If your purpose is to learn from your and other’s work then the same situation will become an inspiration for you.

Once your purpose is cleared about your life then there is no piece of comparison inside you and it won’t affect the inner you whenever people compares you with others.
Well, okay!But how do we understand that?Just keep reading…

Your upbringings and experiences.

Studies have shown that there are seven similar faces of human being lies in earth but what if I ask you about the similarities in lifestyles?Can you give me the lifestyle or upbringings research of two persons having the exact same conditions and situations?No, right?

Well, in reality, we all own different and unique kind of upbringings.Some of us are nurtured in luxurious atmosphere whereas mostly not.Basically, most of us belong to middle class.
What about you?

Let me ask you this:“Is this your fault to born this way?”To be more precise,“Is it a fault, really?”The very cause of comparison lies in believing that it’s nature’s fault and moreover a fault.Thus, most of us are not even trying to improve ourselves or at least understand where the real issue is.And we all end up with blame, mess and comparison, which are just a hypothetical phenomenon inside our brain, also known as an illusion.There is no such thing called “comparison”, it is just an illusion.Our life becomes even better if we understand this as soon as possible.

You only can define yourself.

How many hours you are spending time with yourself, consciously as well as subconsciously?24 hours, right?So, whenever a guy or a girl abuses you or taunts you badly, then why do you take it so seriously?You know yourself more than anyone in this planet.Not even your parents and family know you completely what’s there in your mind, except you.You spend 24 hours with yourself, even while sleeping, and then only you can define yourself and no one else.Only you can define what’s your purpose, dreams and ambitions are.Is it?

What should be done, if comparison lies in inner you?

·Differentiate your situation as,
Am I learning? Or is it a jealousy desire?
·If it is learning, then don’t worry about your emotions and feelings; those are temporary and importantly you are cleared with your purpose.

·If it is not learning, then ask yourself
1.Am I comparing myself with their lifestyle?
2.If yes, then can I change my lifestyle?
3.Can I go back to time and change my upbringings?
4.How can I improve myself and learn from my experiences?

Hope it has impacted even a little in your life.

Thank You!

Much Love!


…Keep Spreading Wisdom…



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Anonymous  •  4y  •  Reply
Great Article. Loved It.
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Nirmit Shah   •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Gayathri S
Gayathri S  •  4y  •  Reply
Crystal clear💓🔥