Drug abuse has become a very openly epidemic curse from the last few decades, and the curse defies any solution up to date.young boys and girls take these due to frustrations of life, and, they just cannot come out of it, once they got deeply involved. Let us thus analyse the obvious cause of this so called frustration among the young. the causes are generally not for to seek. the totally changed environment of the home is no more of a haven far from the maddening crowd outside.

The home instead of the earlier haven has has become as if a simple night halt for all residents, big and small. each individual in the family is busy with the building up their carrier and the atmosphere of love and care that was at one time typical of a home is now completely missing.in this lonely stressed up youth gets to the simple vice of drugs simply to ward off this acute sense of loneliness.this also includes teenage issues like peer pressure, failure in relationships etc. if for once an individuals tastes this drug then, The individual becomes an addict forthwith. with the first taste there is no returning to rationality.

The drug abuse has gone so very deep into our society that, every home is seething with the pain of a drug addict. the effects of drug abuse are also not far to seek, and many other vices come and join the individual with the basic need. when money becomes insufficient, the addict has to - just has to steal the amount to fulfill his body's demand. if he cannot steal any money, then they will misappropriate any money given for some other work.

All this they do not do with stealing motive,but because they has to steer a dose without which they will remain restless, and will experience an unaccountable pain. Thus, in this way the drug addict gets into another iniquity and that is of stealing money.

This in turn leads to further impediment in the family and so finally the addict reaches a HOME meant for addicts, far away from his natural home and sooner or later dies in the prime of his youth.

This drug abuse by the young is foster by the selfish unthinking adults, who bring in drugs to the country and then sell them at different areas near school, colleges etc where it easily approachable to the youth . these are sold at areas where children go in large numbers . These places are easily accessible to the young and the business of the adult's prosper at the cost of the young lives. it is very sad state of our society when adults themselves serves poison to their young. It is the reprobate adults who are responsible for the destruction of the destinies of the young and in turn killing our budding generation.

Thus, this brain drain is and will continue unless we put a lid by providing them with more working facilities at home and give them more than the other ordinary brains in terms of pecuniary benefits. As long as we can't do this for them the brain drain cannot be stopped and the best of Indians will continue to find homes in abroad in mental asylums.

