After so many years of travel with books and studies, just take a look back to see what you've gained. Actually, there will be nothing and the reason is simple, there was nothing that we had taken into our heart. Did we really have love towards anything?? The answer is simply no. You can go seek at all the doors to find the answer to this question but at last, we all will land up at the same answer. Instead, imagine the number of friends we have gained during our college life. That would be the only thing we would take back along with us. Just thinking about them itself makes us happy. All those memories come rushing to our mind. The beautiful moments we had with them, the fights that we broke out, the food which was shared, the bunked classes and the complaints that burned our ears. All these come in a flash of a second. But when we realize the fact that it is all past, tears wet our eyes.

It is true that we all come across similar emotions and we need to control it. Sometimes we think that our life would have been different if we had some persons in our way that we wished. But you should ponder over that life is different. It does not come the way we wish it. Each one of us comes to this world for a reason and when our part is over we just leave the stage. But when we leave there might be something left back for the future generations to learn. It is similar in the case of others also. We feel depressed when some people leave us, but they have to as their role in our world is over, but there may be something that they would have left behind. Have the courage to take it up. Always remember to learn from experiences and to forget the unwanted. Keep along all the moments and cherish them.

Win as many hearts as possible, instead of gaining hatred. Only friends like these will be there at times of distress and hope. Conquer the world with love. Go and reach out to the person who needs you before they walk off from your life. In this small life that we have, try to live it happy. There may be problems at times, who on this earth doesn't have one? But have the courage within you to overcome it and life cool. Never try to forget the gems you have gained in your life, they are the best things that have happened to you. Don't try to chase happiness, let it come to you.



Profile of Ann Mariya Varghese 115016
Ann Mariya Varghese 115016  •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Anu Johnson
Anu Johnson  •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Genist Eca
Genist Eca  •  4y  •  Reply
yeah, amityz forever
Profile of Anu Johnson
Anu Johnson  •  4y  •  Reply