Predictive Analytics Will Transform The Crm Experience.

Ananya Singh
May 22, 2019   •  2 views

Earlier when technology and business processes weren't two sides of the same coin, organizations
had no choice except for conducting all sales and marketing operations through their gut instinct.
And then boom!
Predictive Analytics appeared as a blessing in disguise for such organizations. Predictive Analytics

uses data, statistical algorithms, and other similar functions to predict future events using historical

data. The road from what has happened to what will happen goes through the gateway of Predictive
Information has become an asset for all of us today. It is with the help of this gathered
data/information that organizations have become enterprising nowadays. Predictive Analytics has
varied application ranging from health care to marketing to what not. One of the major applications of

Predictive Analytics is Customer Relationship Management ( CRM )
As technology is driving today's generation it has become quite necessary for companies to connect
with their target audience digitally. If they fail to give a personalized experience to their customers no

matter how great their product is, it will automatically lead to the heavy downfall of their business

Hence it quite important to be technically sound and this is where Customer Relationship
Management or CRM comes into dominance, it is basically an approach to deal with the relations of
any organization and to make these relations grow fonder. These relations include not just
customers but also potential customers, suppliers, colleagues, and other individuals. Sales and
management are one of the key fields wherein CRM is used.
The deadly combination of Predictive Analytics and CRM will help companies in maximizing their
revenues and not just this but it'll help us to get a better picture of customer insights and many other

benefits as listed below:
With clearer customer insights, different strategies can be developed for the different type of
customers, companies can also segregate their target customers who are more likely to be
interested in their offers, for the customers it will be easier as they'll be notified about various

products based on their past buying patterns.
Predictive Analytics has various algorithms which unsheathe data from various companies, and this
can help in devising various marketing and promotional strategies based on this data.
As the response of customers is recorded, it can be used for problem-solving. The organization can
cater to the needs of the buyers by studying the conduct and responses and hence help the
customers get what they actually require.
The coupling of predictive analytics and CRM has vital applications in surveying customer behavior.
This can help to boost marketing campaigns, enhance the relationship with potential customers and
all together help any trade grow efficiently.
And this is how we know that Bill Gates was right when he said:
"How you gather, manage, and use information will determine whether you win or lose."

