Is Unquenchable Thirst Of Amassing More Stimulates The Root Of All Evil ??

Souromita Roy
May 16, 2019   •  62 views

The love for money is the root of all evil. Welcome! to the 21st century where every single individual is running at a mad pace. This happiness is high in hermits $ sages, who have renounced the world and its material comforts. On the other hand, it is very low, for a greedy and avaricious person. Nature has bestowed everything in abundance, for all to enjoy. However some men out of greed, apportion, wealth etc, far in excess of their requirement. This in the words of Horace, “The covetous man is always in want.” In the age of competition, it is definitely not wrong to be ambitious. The great success stories in different fields would not be possible without the desire to excel. However when the desire becomes an obsession, it leads to greed & ultimately to unhappiness. Such a person can stoop to any level to achieve his goal.

This evil is manifest in the society today in different forms. People burn brides, for the sake of dowry and siblings fight over property. All this is on account of the get rich quick syndrome. In a way the highly materialistic society is responsible for such behaviour. Greedy and corrupt people instead of being shunned, are glorified in the society, setting example for others to follow. Moral and family values that was an integral part of Indian culture, has deteriorated. This has lead to people viewing others as either competitors or adversaries. All religion warn against the evil of avarice $ its evil consequences. They are therefore replete with stories and teachings. If only one is able restrain greed, life would become highly satisfying, man by nature is insatiable. It is because of this Thomas Fuller rightly said, “Men have a touchstone whereby to try gold. But gold is the touchstone whereby to try men.”

