With the world uncannily quiet because of the on going pandemic, I sat in my balcony after ages. i closed my eyes as the chilly morning breeze hit my body. I could hear at least 4 different birds chirping. It didn’t feel like Delhi, it felt as if someone had changed how everything was how was as if these birds had multiplied in number. I looked down I saw a beautiful ginger cat playing with its kittens in fresh green grass. I looked above at the sky with beautiful clouds. 

Everytime you look at the sky, its like opening a door. You could be anyone, anywhere. You could be anyone, like yourself at any moment in your life. You open that door and you realise that you’re the same person under the same night sky. Camping on the roof top with your siblings, eleven years old. Sixteen, travelling alone, stopping at the edge of the street, looking up at The sky, tje same ol’ sky. Walking a wooden path, staring from the back window of your car, you’re eleven again. Here, where the world begins  and ends, its like nothing that ever stops happening. Its just us who forgot to pause time and spend sometime appreciating things. 

