What Is Wrong With Our Education System..

Ankita Saloni
May 05, 2019   •  44 views

"A pen is mightier than a Sword."
It has been a famous saying for many decades, and it directly sheds light on the importance of education in the life of a person.

Education is the most efficient tool that helps in the civilisation of a society and ultimately, its progress to a larger extent.

The literacy rate of a country, strengthens its image on the international platforms and it helps in deciding the actual worth of human resources that a country owns.

India, seventh largest country in terms of area and second largest country in terms of population, has always been notable for its educational values, since the Ancient era. Be it the World famous Nalanda University, the teachings of Aryabhatta or the philosophies of Chanakya, India always had a glorious past in terms of education and educational values.

But what is the scenario at present ? Is it the same like it was many centuries ago ? Can we boast of the similar values that were imparted to the disciples by their Gurus in their Gurukuls hundreds of years ago ?

Or has it reduced to just a few books and a blackboard in a closed and confined room of a building ?

If we compare the present scenario of India with any other developed country, then it can be easily noticed that there exists a vast difference between their study patterns and ours, let alone leave the syllabus. One can find some eerie differences that are good enough for aperson to have an idea that what is wrong with our education system. More pressure is given on the Theory portion, as it is the section that is most important to score good marks in the exam. Loads of homework is there to scare the hell out of children and make them phobic about these subjects. Practicals are not given much importance or one can say more or less, ignored. Marks are considered the equivalent of IQ(Intelligence Quotient) of a student. And due to this cut-throat competition, coaching bussinesses are flourishing( Kota- the pressure cooker city for Medical/Engineering Aspirants ) and students are overburdened with the hopes,aspirations and dreams of their parents. Sometimes, this enormous pressure leads to their nervous breakdown by taking a toll on their self-confidence and they are unable to perform according to their potential on the day of their main exam - the D-day..

According to a National Daily "The Hindu", from the start of 2014 to November 2017, 45 students in the Kota city committed suicide due to enormous pressure.

But everything here is about competition right. No one cares about the situations, everyone cares about the results. Depressed by such conditions, students choose the easier way to quit- Suicide. One mistake, and their life is gone forever.

There are numerous cases of suicides due to such reasons. And nobody cares about this after two or three days.

So,where are we going wrong in giving education to our children? What is the main reason behind such humongous pressure and burden on the students ?

One of the main reasons is our Education System. These minute errors in our education system have claimed many lives and is continuing to do so. The life of a person is determined by his job, the job is determined by college, the college is determined by results, and the results are again determined by competition.

"You fail in one competition, it means you have failed in your life", this is what our young generation believes. Why?

How immature had we became that we could not understand that the only thing whose sole purpose was to revolutionize lives a few centuries ago is now the one that is actually claiming these lives ?

And this scenario is not restricted to some specific part of India, but can be seen almost everywhere.

Why do we teach our children that only scoring marks means success in life ? And why do we bother so much about success ? Why not preparing them to tackle failure in a healthy and better way ?

We prepare them to succeed in their lives but we don't prepare them to deal with failure. 90% suicide cases are due to the unacceptance of failure by people, especially students.

They are students. Let them study.
They are not pressure cooker that will perform only when it's pressurized.

For sure in terms of practical education, we have a long way to go now.
But as for now, let the Education be only Education, where children are free to observe and learn, and not a market of these cut-throat competitions. And as far as our Education System is considered, it would change only when we would look forward to adapt ourselves according to the needs of our current situations and demand for a better future for our upcoming generation.

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those, who prepare for it today."


Profile of Shashi Ranjan
Shashi Ranjan  •  5y  •  Reply
It's so bitter truth about our education system!